Embodying Your Inner Chakra Goddess Start Course Continue Course Retake Course Preview Course Learn More Progress Root Chakra Goddess 2 Lessons Root Chakra Meditation, Creating Altars, Aromatherapy, and Gemstones In this lesson, I will lead you through a guided root chakra medtation as well as provide info on creating a root chakra altar as well as root chakra aromatherapy and gemstones. In this lesson, I will lead you through a guided root chakra medtation as well as provide info on creating a root chakra altar as well as root chakra aromatherapy and gemstones. Root Chakra Bellydance, Moving Meditation, and Goddesses Sacral Chakra Goddess 3 Lessons Sacral Chakra Meditation, Creating Altars, Aromatherapy, and Gemstones We will be going over the Sacral Chakra Basics, learning the crystals, gemstones, and aromatherapy of the Sacral Chakra and learning how to set up a Sacral Chakra before we do a meditation to get in touch with our sensual goddess nature. We will be going over the Sacral Chakra Basics, learning the crystals, gemstones, and aromatherapy of the Sacral Chakra and learning how to set up a Sacral Chakra before we do a meditation to get in touch with our sensual goddess nature. Sacral Chakra Bellydance and Being a Sensual Goddess Moving Meditation Solar Plexus Chakra Goddess 2 Lessons Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation, Creating Altars, Aromatherapy, and Gemstones Solar Plexus Bellydance, Moving Meditation, and Goddesses Heart Chakra Goddess 2 Lessons Heart Chakra Meditation, Creating Altars, Aromatherapy, and Gemstones Heart Chakra Dance, Goddesses, and Living a Heart Centered Life Throat Chakra Goddess 2 Lessons Throat Chakra Meditation, Creating Altars, Aromatherapy, and Gemstones Throat Chakra Bellydance, Goddesses, and Expressing Yourself Third Eye Chakra Goddess 2 Lessons Third Eye Chakra Meditation, Creating altars, Aromatherapy, and Gemstones Third Eye Dance, Goddesses, and Ways to Enhance your Intuition Crown Chakra Goddess 3 Lessons Crown Chakra Meditation, Aromatherapy, Gemstones, and Creating Altars Crown Chakra Dance, Crystal Healing, and Finding the Sacred in Every Day Life Anointing Meditation Ritual Retake this course? Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress. Retake Cancel